Cynthia Chrisman

Meet Cynthia

At New Harmony Homeopath, I am devoted to helping others expand their knowledge and skills in healthier lifestyle practices for themselves and their families.

Background. New Harmony opened 1996 after my post-graduate studies in Classical Homeopathy with a focus on chronic illness. I integrate transformational psychology and holistic public health education into my homeopathic and written work. A Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, and a Master of Public Health (MPH) from UCLA complement my lifelong interest in holistic health and disease prevention. I follow transpersonal and holistic methods of building personal resilience, including Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP). I am a former yoga instructor specializing in those with health limitations and now integrate Qigong, Continuum and various meditation practices into my way of life.

Current practice. My previous homeopathic clients have wanted my help navigating health care alternatives, disease treatments, diets and nutrition as they sought my expertise in finding well-suited remedies. Now, I instead devote my attention to extending your self-knowledge and personal transformation in ways you may not have encountered before. Check out my Writing Into Healing™ series and my New Harmony Post™.

Clinical supervision. I continue to supervise homeopaths with an interest in the long-term management of chronic illness in homeopathic practice. Cynthia’s former clients may opt to transition to her colleague, Kamala Ramasubramanian, CCH, BHMS. Schedule with her at Kamala will assess your care plan as a new client and help you continue where you left off with Cynthia. She may also opt for supervision with Cynthia to bridge continuity of care. Please schedule with Kamala to ask her more here:

Homeopathic Inspiration. Henny Heudens-Mast, a leading European homeopath, has been my constant source of inspiration and primary clinical instructor in classical homeopathy since 1998. She ranks high among “master” homeopaths in first addressing the roots of chronic illness, as first taught by homeopathy’s founder, Samuel Hahnemann in the 6th Edition of The Organon. She has been instrumental in helping me build a specialized homeopathic family-focused practice.

I rounded out my earliest training with many other leading American, Canadian, Indian and European classical homeopaths and authors from various schools of thought. But it was Misha Norland who helped me begin my formative education. I am a graduate of his first four-year clinical training program in the U.S., a satellite of The School of Homeopathy in Devon, England. I layered this early training with fundamentals of nursing, pharmacology, chemistry, microbiology, anatomy and human disease pathology with special attention upon homeo-therapeutics, including the miasmatic evaluation of acute and chronic diseases.

Advocacy, leadership, and writing. I am a member of the National Center for Homeopathy (NCH), the leading consumer awareness organization which promotes homeopathy in the U.S.A. I served on national Boards of Directors for organizations aimed to elevate educational training, standards and qualifications of professional homeopaths (see Council for Homeopathic Certification, Accreditation Commission for Homeopathic Education in North America, and North American Society of Homeopaths). In a series of articles on the subject, I describe efforts which advocate for professional standards and qualifications.


Prevention First: My Fundamentals

Over-drugging of any kind has no place in Classical Homeopathy. Homeopathy’s minimum dose philosophy will shape personal health habits to strengthen your immunity to infections and chronic illnesses. This 200-year-old healing art reflects the ancient Greek motto: everything in moderation. Over time, learning how to apply this philosophy in health care will deepen your understanding about how to conserve your vital energies, together as one body, mind and spirit. You will discover how best to heal yourself without further depletion, especially during chronic illness where stagnation of vital healing powers is at play on every level. Consistent prevention habits promote recovery of deeper energies. It takes time and attention regardless of how they have been depleted.

Medicines ought to strengthen vital energies and resilience over time, not weaken them. We can create and perpetuate disorder by depleting treatments, especially when repeated at maximum and crude doses over time. Unnecessarily excessive or aggressive conventional medical treatments take a toll on energy needed to resist disease. Just as with the demands on the body during digestion or exercise, vital energies must restore and sustain themselves to respond favorably to the use of each drug taken.

The judicial use of homeopathy minimizes depletion. It is a lifetime investment when trying to become as healthy as possible and stay that way. Long term use of synthetic drugs to combat and take away local symptoms in chronic disease is depleting and may not always work as a result.

Homeopathy is the original whole person approach to disease prevention for the long term. This system of care offers coherent, simple, yet profound individualized care for you or your family. A totality of symptoms is unique to the whole person (body, mind and soul). All symptoms must be accounted for in every individual’s physical or emotional illness (i.e. imbalance in their vital energies).

Conventional “disease care” may be life-saving in an emergency or effective for the short term. But diagnostic list of common symptoms or diagnoses is far too limited when deciding which medicine or treatment is best over the long term. They do not primarily guide in the in-depth, personalized homeopathic support over the long term.

Your healing process first starts with a more comprehensive understanding of working with nature, not against it. As you rebuild and transform during and after illness, you must never force nature but rather allow it to conduct its innate healing work in all aspects of your body, mind and spirit. Assessing your energetic capacity to cope with illness and treatments is critical to understanding the original imbalances that contribute to illness. This helps you make better informed and decisions critical to maintaining and/or rebuilding health.

Nature teaches how to observe the curative direction in illness recovery and health maintenance. I help you learn about the unique and varied levels of your health including your personal sensitivities and vitality at each level. Understanding this orderly direction of cure preserves the energy needed to heal safely by minimizing unintended harm. You will also better avoid spending money unnecessarily on a multitude of health products that cannot be individualized or tracked in the same way.

Classic homeopathic philosophy respects this common-sense approach. An observational technique unique to homeopathy follows the natural direction in the assessment and resolution of disease symptoms. Conventional and integrative approaches do not emphasize nor monitor these deeper sensitivities due to a primary focus on biological disorder. I help you learn about the correct and directional energetic response to individual treatment approaches.

I do not sell you multiple “alternative” health products for each complaint or system of the body or mind. Instead, you will learn how your healing process first starts with a more comprehensive understanding of your vitality based on personal sensitivities and susceptibilities. When balanced with this philosophy, the use of conventional and integrative health approaches can be more individually balanced and monitored according to the appropriate time and situation, as needed.

Improving the health of children through homeopathy ensures a better future for the world. As a benefit to your whole family, you can learn better how to avoid more expensive or toxic over-the-counter products. Science has shown how many medicines and products are often very harmful for children and pets. They are also toxic to adults, especially those with sensitivities.

I have experienced and witnessed homeopathy’s effectiveness for many common and chronic complaints during my years of practice. I am trained to be flexible around how homeopathy is used at any unexpected times, such as when decisions about conventional treatments must be made. Although I no longer practice, I avail myself to answer specific questions about using homeopathy correctly.

It is hard to know where to turn for information you can trust. I am knowledgeable about navigating confusing vitamin or herbal advise or regimens, including over-the-counter products that best promote, not hinder, you or your family member’s recovery of energy after illness is confusing. I can also teach you how to access more preventive home care techniques commonly used by our foremothers and often found in the kitchen.

Since its inception in the 1800’s, homeopathy remains an ecological and sustainable health care choice due to its positive safety record and its respect for natural resources. Homeopathy persists as its own system of disease prevention and health promotion in opposition to artificially invented chemical and steroidal medications, overprescribed antibiotics, synthetic hormones known to harm and disrupt our bodies and the world’s eco-systems. For instance, a single medicinal plant will produce thousands or more doses of a homeopathic remedy thus avoiding the environmental depletion and harm caused by excessive pharmaceutical and nutraceutical fabrication and sales.

In recent decades, we even see that mass production and increased sale of precious herbal formulas can quickly strip natural resources from native habitats that can cause permanent imbalance to interdependent eco-systems. Homeopathic remedies are one of the most sustainable and least toxic health care choices available. They have been continuously regulated by the HPUS since 1897 and are available in health stores at a fraction of the cost of other “natural” products flooding the marketplace. I help assist you better in the purchase of appropriate remedies or remedy kits you may want for your home pharmacy.

Knowledge. First, know yourself better, which allows for more permanent personal change to emerge and take hold in the future. Commitment. This critical step starts with you.

Power. I am passionate about teaching how to take the most simple, practical and natural steps possible to increase your confidence to sustain the most holistic health care possible. Inspiration. We discuss an inclusive breath, meditation, movement and nutrition focus for you and your family members to inspire recovery from chronic disease and promote resilience in inborn self-healing powers.

Motivation. I offer tips to improve mind, body and spirit techniques taken as a one, the driver of common-sense prevention to feel better from the inside, to the outside.

Why homeopathy? Historically, homeopathic healing first began as a more comprehensive understanding of working with nature, not against it. When taken into a community health setting to help prevent and reduce chronic disease, it can offer support during the wide use of costly conventional approaches that now predominate. Designing and marketing multiple health products for every biochemical complaint or disease in the body often overrides the body’s natural defenses. A community-wide disease prevention system like homeopathy helps offset the negative effects of more potentially risky treatment approaches.

Disease prevention is the best health insurance your money will buy. It is wisest to consult an experienced and well-trained Classical Homeopath. A better-informed choice to heal and strengthen before having to resort to surgery, drug or herbal therapies makes sense for many. Classical Homeopathy originally integrated public health prevention strategies to help individuals and entire families overcome deep tendencies toward illness or disease. As soon as you start feeling better when facing health setbacks, maintaining optimal levels of health over time by the continued use of homeopathy is optimal.

The Complementary and Alternative Health Care Freedom. These bills are passed to protect you as a consumer by bringing holistic health care, including homeopathy, under guidelines set by each state health department. For homeopathic practice alone, this health freedom trend began decades ago in MN, CA and RI, and continues to expand into ME, NV, NM, CO, AZ and LA. Search the National Health Freedom Coalition for more information.

To protect the homeopathic client, nationally accredited professional homeopaths practice under community-established standards of best practices. The Council for Homeopathic Certification (CHC) is a nationally accredited examination board for homeopathic professionals with the Institute for Credentialing Excellence (ICE) that qualifies practitioners and annually renews certification in classical homeopathy (CCH) in the U.S. and Canada. The Accreditation Commission for Homeopathic Education in North America (ACHENA) promotes excellence in homeopathic education, clinical training, supervision and continuing education. Eligible candidates for the CHC certification exam must first complete several hundred hours of classroom and clinical training with an ACHENA approved institution.

Buyer beware. I urge health consumers to interview a homeopath before hiring one. When choosing, locate professional homeopaths that are nationally accredited.
Follow your “gut feelings” during your search process. Homeopaths differ in style, training and experience. Speak to the homeopath, if possible. Email will not serve you as well as speaking directly to them.

Interviewing a homeopath. I suggest you ask things like:

"What kinds of clients do you accept into your practice?"
Describe your needs. Some homeopaths do not work with young adults, teenagers or children, for instance. Some do not specialize in chronic long-term care. You can get a good idea after a short phone call about the homeopath’s focus on age, lifestyle, or unique health concern they are familiar with and are willing to address with you.

"Are you a specialist exclusively in homeopathy?"
Practitioners who spend 100% of their time practicing homeopathy are qualitatively very different than those who spend their time practicing in another field but only uses homeopathy from time to time. Practitioners may primarily practice another discipline or use other adjunct therapies or techniques apart from a sole emphasis on homeopathy. Your practitioner should focus at least 75% of their time and expertise on the practice of homeopathy. Homeopathy involves a lifetime of study. For instance, I study with the same advanced practitioner over 40 hours each year.

"What is your professional background?"
Some practitioners use homeopathy as an adjunct therapy and primarily practice another discipline (i.e. conventional or functional medicine, nursing, acupuncture, chiropractic, naturopathy, psychotherapy, or nursing) and therefore may have limited training or supervision in the discipline of homeopathy. Whether a medical doctor or not, you may want your practitioner to have a Certification in Classical Homeopathy (CCH) in good standing, or its educational equivalent. Professional homeopaths have more specialized or at least foundational training necessary for understanding and matching appropriate remedies. Search here to find out whether a CCH homeopath in your area is a professional in good standing at the Council for Homeopathic Certification (CHC). This means they have met the minimum standard of professional training and continuing education requirements, including the medical and scientific knowledge in homeopathy necessary to help you. Experience in the medical field is an asset, but a conventional medical degree or training is not required to become an accurate and knowledgeable homeopathic practitioner.

Directories of interest.
Council for Homeopathic Certification
Professionals with nationally accredited certification, Certification in Classical Homeopathy, CCH. Sets standards for professional practice in North America, including Canada.

Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians
Naturopathic physicians who practice homeopathy in limited numbers of states

American Institute for Homeopathy
Medical doctors who practice homeopathy

Homeopathic Nurses Association
Nurses who practice homeopathy

The National Center for Homeopathy
An educational clearing house for consumers

North American Society of Homeopaths
A professional membership organization for practicing homeopaths

Thank You Notes

Cynthia is a compassionate, expert classic homeopath who seems to have devoted her entire being to helping people here and all over the world. I have been going to her for a chronic issue revolving mainly around emotions. I got tired of going to doctors every couple months for antibiotics, they don’t seem to understand that they are not treating the whole person and that everyone has a different makeup, we are not all the same. I have been going to her since I believe 2012. After our family’s first meeting with her it is undeniable that her passion and focus is on helping children and adults lead a healthy life. I highly recommend her practice.
— J.H.

My son had seen Cynthia many years ago and was so pleased with the results he experienced that I never forgot his praise for her. So when my daughter was dealing with several issues with her young children, I encouraged her to call Cynthia. After engaging Cynthia, my daughter told me, “She is exactly what you would hope to be like in a perfect world.” My family has experienced so many incredible improvements to their health. I highly recommend this very gifted healer to all who are looking for an alternative approach to health.
— L.H.

Throughout these years our family went through a lot of ups and downs. Cynthia was always reachable, down to earth, full of useful information not just regarding illnesses but prevention, parenting issues while always respectful of our choices and boundaries.
— C.B.

Homeopathy has changed my life and opened my eyes to new and more reliable, proactive ways to take care of my health. My chronic medical issues are healing steadily and I’m gaining energy and confidence in my innate ability to heal. Thank you for your guidance and intuition, and for your commitment to helping me – and my husband – become stronger and healthier, and better educated about health. You are a miracle worker and the best listener I ever met. We are fortunate that you are in our lives!
— R.E.

Dear Cynthia, Thank you for your grace, your poise and your dedicated patience to keeping me healthy.
— V.F.

Cynthia, I don’t know how to thank you for all your patience and care for those you help. My family and I will always keep you and yours in our prayers and gratitude. Again thank you!
— B.P.

Hi Cynthia, I’m doing really well!!! Whew, what a relief. My emotions are much, much better, not crying anymore, sleeping without the light, neck pain totally gone and energy is good. I did get a sore throat that was very painful, but I didn’t feel sick at all so no problem. And strangely I feel pretty again, I didn’t realize that those thoughts had disappeared. Thank you again for your wonderful work, I feel so blessed to be able to have such clear and effective homeopathic treatment!! Yay!
— R.C.

Cynthia, I don’t know if you know what it meant that you were there for us over the weekend and always. This loss is a tough one for me. The homeopathy has made things better.
— S.B.

Cynthia, Thanks again for squeezing me in today, for your time, listening and expertise. I appreciate it.
— J.M.